I love Christmas.

I love decorating my house inside and out to the point it looks like I brought home the entire Homesense Christmas department and have not-so-subtle dreams of completely Clark Griswold-ing my entire house to the point it’s visible from space.

I love having the help of little sous-chefs to bake delectable little goodies that are no good for my waistline, but which fill my house with the smell of Christmas and that makes them worth it. Also, Christmas calories don’t count. That’s science.

I love unpacking my boxes of ornaments and other decor and reminiscing about how they came to be in our collection.

I love spending time driving around my neighbourhood to look at dozens and dozens of intricately decorated homes, awash in twinkling lights, giant inflatable Santas and snowmen.

I love welcoming friends and family into my home to gather and enjoy each others’ company over food and drinks.

And I love, love, LOVE to watch Christmas movies!