"She's making a list..."

"She's making a list..."

Chances are, you aren’t always in the mood for the same type of Christmas movie.

There are times when you want the coziness and predictability of a holiday classic, while other times you’re looking for something to watch with the lights dimmed and a glass of wine in hand. And then there are the times when you have little people around who have wildly different ideas of what constitutes a good Christmas movie.

In our house when we can’t agree on what movie to watch we have one person create a shortlist and then the other(s) must pick from that list.

So consider this a set of shortlists to help guide your holiday viewing. With over 40 options, you’re sure to find something that fits the mood.

The undeniable classics

Sometimes you just need a classic and nothing else will do. It’s not uncommon for at least one of these to be watched daily in the lead-up to Christmas at my house. I could put any of these on at any time in December and be happy.

For the littlest elves

Will little kids actually sit and watch a movie all the way through? Likely not, but a parent can dream. Some old school classics, a new family fave, and a bit of religious education that isn’t too preachy.

When you have kids who hear everything… and never fail to voice their opinion.

Generally speaking, these are decent watches for the whole family to enjoy.

Dim the lights and grab a drink

For when you just want to curl up under a blanket with a glass of wine and a seasonal movie that gets you right in the feels

The oldies

They don’t get watched here every year, but every now and then you just want to watch a real oldie but goodie.

When you want to push the limits

Sometimes you just want something borderline (or way past the line) of Christmas movie appropriateness.

“Just put something on”

You got me. This is absolutely a catch-all category for those movies that we just throw on to have something to watch. They aren’t high on the re-watch list, but some have potential to make it onto the annual “must watch” list.

Because there’s always someone…

…who insists that this is a Christmas movie. It isn’t. But to keep my husband happy, voila: