For the kids: Christmas Cartoons

I have successfully convinced my eldest (A, 6) that once the season begins, Christmas movies and shows are the only appropriate things on our TV.

Most of the time I can convince her to go with whatever I want to watch, but sometimes we end up with her choices, which tend to gravitate toward cartoons.

So here you go - a brief roundup of Christmas cartoons.


Elf on the Shelf: An Elf’s Story

  • 26 minutes of pure sincerity to explain what the elves are and how their magic works.

  • If you’re doing the Elf thing this is a good time to show this to your kids to help explain the elf from an operational and magical standpoint before they arrive.

  • Score: 3/5. It won’t get on your nerves as much as you’d think, and gives you enough time to have a cup of coffee while the kids are engaged.

  • Target age: 2-5

  • Where can you see it? Netflix and available to buy on iTunes

More to come as my kids get into the season. I’m not going out of my way to watch all of these right away.


A Nashville Christmas Carol


Open By Christmas