Christmas CEO

Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking.

  • A toy company CEO named Christmas. Groundbreaking.

  • Marisol Nichols as Christmas “Chris” Whitaker and Paul Greene as Joe Sullivan in a movie about childhood besties turned toy company co-founders turned former business partners who reconnect in advance of a merger with a larger company. Yes, it’s a mouthful.

  • Major props to Veronica Marin-Estrada (great name!) in her first ever role per IMDB, and who not only holds her own but also sings on screen! Not bad for an eighth grader from Oakville, ON!

Hap-Hap-Happiest Scene:

  • They go to a Christmas arcade where one of the games is a racing game. On reindeer. I need to go to there.

Wait! Why do I recognize that person?

  • Nichols has a long filmography, with 24, Riverdale, and, perhaps most importantly, Vegas Vacation (shoutout to our namesake) on her resume!

  • Greene hails from the thriving metropolis of Wetaskiwin, AB, and if you recognize him it could be from any one of the 50 tv movies he’s been in.

SCORE: 5/10

Tell me more!

A small toy company CEO gets a once in a lifetime offer to merge with a mega toy company but will need her estranged ex-business partner's signature to seal the deal. What he helps her rediscover will change both of their lives.


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